Here's the press release for Karen's opening. She did (and continues to do) an amazing job photographing the interview subjects for this project. I hope a lot of people will come out for her opening. If you miss it, the photographs will be up on display for about two months. You'll be able to buy prints of the photos as well as copies of her L!F!P! book and, on opening night only, get the last of my L!F!P! shirts.
Those who were photographed by Karen for the site (that's all the black-and-white photos) will be displayed at the show (not necessarily in the photos used here on the site). Those shot by me (the color shots) should contact Karen about being re-photographed by her for inclusion in the show.
Former interview subject Yoni Kroll of WKDU will be DJ'ing the event.
Photography by Karen Kirchhoff on exhibit
Grindcore House presents:
Photographic portraits by Karen Kirchhoff that appear as part of
LOUD! FAST! PHILLY!: An Aural History of the Philadelphia Hardcore Punk Scene
A collaboration with Joseph A. Gervasi
JUNE 6, 2014
7 - 9 PM
At the Grindcore House
Philly's only vegan coffeehouse
1515 South 4 St., Philadelphia, 19147
After the successes of the LOUD! FAST! PHILLY! live presentations and the online audio interviews comes a photo exhibit of the portraits of the interview subjects who told the wild tales of the DIY punk scene in Philadelphia from the 1970s up to the right now. Prints, 'zines, and t-shirts will all be for sale.
Come celebrate punk, enjoy some awesome tunes, and eat some delicious vegan snacks with us!