Philebrity Previews Cinedelphia Film Festival Events, L!F!P!

We previewed the first week of the festival a little bit ago, but now, as it quickly approaches, we’ve got some more for you: The 2013 Cinedelphia Film Festival, which takes place from April 4th to the 27th, highlights all the best of Philly film — favorites, forgotten gems, premieres, and more. One of the events we are most excited about is the screening of LOUD! FAST! PHILLY! A History of Philly Punk at PhilaMOCA on April 23rd, which features “rare footage of local bands playing basements, churches, bars, crappy clubs, and warehouses throughout the city” from the early 1980s until now. You can get a little taste of that in the video above [at right], which shows the before and during of a 2.5 Children show at Killtime in 1996 full of familiar faces.
And what else? Oh man, so many great things, such as live scores, anniversary screenings, and a whole bunch more you can learn about after the jump.
High School (1968) 45th Anniversary Screening
A screening of the classic documentary High School, filmed at Northeast High in 1968 by Frederick Wiseman, and often regarded as one of the great films of the medium. — April 17, 2013, 7:30 @ PhilaMOCA
Farquar Muckenfuss perform The Monkees, plus Head (1968)
Local band Farquar Muckenfuss will perform a full set of Monkees covers, followed by a screening of The Monkees’ Jack Nicholson co-penned “psychedelic adventure comedy” Head, which has reached cult-film-status over the years. — April 16, 2013, 8:00 @ PhilaMOCA
Point Break (1991) with a live surf score by Great White Caps
Kathryn Bigelow‘s bank robbery/surfing/bromance classic (which is also one of First Mate Jim’s all-time favorites) screened along with a live surf music score from Bethlehem, PA’s own The Great White Caps. This one falls pretty highly on our most anticipated list. — April 18, 2013, 8:00 @ PhilaMOCA
The Philadelphia Premiere of The Way To Kevin
The local premiere of a documentary about being one person with many different sides, where the subject is a local minister/mime/gay urban thug porn star. Both the filmmakers and subject will be in attendance. — April 24, 2013, 7:30 PM @ PhilaMOCA
Danger After Dark: A Retrospective
Longtime Philadelphia Film Festival programmer Travis Crawford presents a retrospective of his internationally-acclaimed Danger After Dark program, featuring the screening of a surprise film from DAD’s past. — April 19, 2013, 10:00 @ PhilaMOCA
A Rare Screening of The Lost Man (1969)
A rare screening of this Philly-shot film, starring Sidney Poitier as “a cool-as-a-cucumber black revolutionary, who tries to swipe $200,000 from the payroll of a factory reputedly owned by racists,” in a reworking of Carol Reed’s IRA thriller Odd Man Out. The film is a peek into Philadelphia’s late 1960s urban blight, and will be screened for free with an introduction by Irv Slifkin. — April 26, 2013, 7:30 PM @ PhilaMOCA
The Philadelphia Experiment (1984) Anniversary Screening
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the actual Philadelphia Experiment by checking out a special screening of the 1984 film adaptation, with guest speaker author Paul Malmont at a special, nautical, venue. — April 21, 2013, 1:00 PM @ Independence Seaport Museum
Siegmund Lubin Birthday Celebration
Celebrate Philadelphia and film pioneer Siegmund Lubin by honoring both his 161st birthday and the 90th anniversary of his passing and checking out the Siegmund Lubin Birthday Celebration. Lubin’s legacy will be celebrated as Joseph P. Eckhardt, author of the Lubin biography “The King of the Movies,” hosts a career overview of Philadelphia’s moviemaking pioneer. Secret Cinema will project 16mm Lubin films accompanied by original live scores from local musicians Jesse Kudler, Monique Canniere, Keith Birthday, and Birdie Busch & Carl Cheeseman. — April 21, 2013, 7:00 PM @ PhilaMOCA
and …
TLA Employee Reunion
A free and casual gathering of ex-TLA Video store clerks who will share humorous and heartwarming stories of their time spent working for the Philadelphia movie rental institution. The panel will be followed by a surprise screening of a film that embodies the “TLA aesthetic.” — April 26, 2013, 10:00 PM @ PhilaMOCA
And that’s just a small sampling of everything that is going on at the Cinedelphia Film Festival this April. Check out a full schedule of events over here.