Where Are They Now? File - Part Two

Shitty Joseph drawing for L!FP!

Here are three more updates in the interviewee's own words:

Joe Genaro: “I am still playing with the Dead Milkmen. We're working on new songs and we have a handful of shows coming up this fall, plus a benefit show for Rock to the Future - the "Rally for Rock" at Liberty Lands on August 24. I also play the occasional solo acoustic show, as Joe Jack Talcum, and continue to work for the software company.”

Adam/Atom Goren: “I'm continuing to wish that at the LOUD! FAST! PHILLY! live event in April, when asked about my thoughts regarding Stalag 13, that I answered, ‘It was the fire hazard-est venue I ever played.’ I'm also continuing to double dad and working with a colleague and friend to construct a course that aims to enable students to be informed citizens regarding nuclear power, weapons and medicine.  I'm also eagerly awaiting new songs from Future of the Left.” 

Chuck Meehan: “Since we spoke, I have been working on buying a house and I ended a long musical hiatus when I played bass for Initial Attack recently and am looking to get back to playing once I am settled in.”