"We have a new world to conquer: they have only a lost cause to lose"

Currently Reading: 
Black Metal - Evolution of the Cult by Dayall Patterson
Fool's Errand (Tawny Man #1) by Robin Hobb
Today's Playlist: 
Journey In Satchidananda by Alice Coltrane (featuring Pharoah Sanders)
Little Things Left Behind 1988-1998 by Roger Eno
s/t by Liverpool Echo
The Lion In Winter OST by John Barry

It's been a few weeks since the last set of interviews went up, but that time has been frantically busy for me. Despite the fact that the holidays are upon us, I have a few interviews scheduled that I believe listeners will enjoy. The interviews are with some fascinating individuals and will continue to expand the scope of the project further afield but still under the umbrella of DIY punk.

I leave you with two quotes from John Wyndham's 1955 novel The Crysalids:

"Neither his kind, nor his kind of thinking will survive long. They are the crown of creation, they are ambition fulfilled -- they have nowhere more to go. But life is change, that is how it differs from rocks, change is its very nature. Who, then, were the recent lords of creation, that they should expect to remain unchanged? The living form defies evolution at its peril; if it does not adapt, it will be broken. The idea of completed man is the supreme vanity: the finished image is a sacrilegious myth."

"They are determined still that there is a final form to defend: soon they will attain the stability they strive for, in the only form it is granted -- a place among the fossils."

"There is comfort in a mother's breast, but there has to be a weaning. The attainment of independence, the severing of ties, is, at best, a bleak process for both sides; but it is necessary, even though each may grudge it and hold it against the other. The cord has been cut at the other end already; it will only be a futile entanglement if you do not cut it at your end, too.

"Whether harsh intolerance and bitter rectitude are the armour worn over fear and disappointment, or whether they are the festival-dress of the sadist, they cover an enemy of the life-force. The difference in kind can be bridged only by self-sacrifice: his self-sacrifice, for yours would bridge nothing. So, there is the severance. We have a new world to conquer: they have only a lost cause to lose."