Veterans Day

This holiday is a fine occasion to point out, as I've pointed out before, that the lightning bolts in the L!F!P! logo are emerging from the Liberty Bell, not into it. From a symbol of democracy bursts forth great emanations of power. These bolts are comprised of many components. Free speech, untethered intellectual discourse, racial/economic/gender equality, and social/political engagement are just a few of those many components.

Those who put their ass on the line to protect this country are deserving of high praise. Take to task politicians if you've issues with the wars they send our young men and women to fight. Many of these politicians have never heard a shot fired in anger. They may not have "skin in the game," meaning their own children, likely the products of wealth, may not be in service and under threat of death and disfigurement. All vets deserve respect and a place of honor in our society. Reserve a special place in your heart for those who fought in the "upopular" post-WWII wars. They don't often get Hollywood stars and the like singing their praises as "The Greatest Generation."

There are many battlefields in the war for a better and more inclusive democracy. Sometimes they're half a world away. Other times they're as close as Selma, Alabama or Philadelphia, Mississippi. Today is the day for those who fought overseas, and to them I extend, as I do every day, my gratitude for their service.