Sean Agnew Is Go!

Sean Agnew of R5 Productions with Joseph A. Gervasi
Photo #2 of Sean Agnew and Joseph A. Gervasi by Karen K.
Currently Reading: 
The Eve of Destruction - How 1965 Transformed America by James T. Patterson
Wizard and Glass (Dark Tower #4) by Stephen King
Today's Playlist: 
Fortune My Foe by Goliard
Knots by Crash of Rhinos
Twelve Minutes by Loss of Self
Unsettled Beings by Mikael Lund

I had a great conversation with Sean Agnew of R5 Productions, Union Transfer, Boot & Saddle, etc. in the temporary R5 offices in Center City. Sean's work in Philadelphia really put this city on the national and international music venue map in the 2000s. It's an 86-minute conversation that covers much of the history of R5 and the ethos behind it and the other venues and projects Sean's involved in. The interview will go up in a couple days. The reason for the slight delays is because Karen Kirchhoff photographed Sean and needs a couple days to work up the photos. It's always great when the pics are taken by Karen. My shots can, at best, be functional. Karen's pics are gorgeous and enrich this project dramatically. Look for her photos and my interview to go up soon. In the meanwhile, here's a pic of the Sean and I (plus bad "art" by me) right before we did the interview. 

Both photos are by Karen Kirchhoff. The color photo was a simple shot taken with my camera. The black-and-white shot is a "proper" photo taken with her camera and light set-up.